All about FLAGS

Flag names are short token names that are derived from the country’s ISO3166 code and the abbreviation for Fan Token (FT). For example Germany’s ISO3166 is DE (Deutschland). Thus Germany Flag Token will be DEFT. See countires already available: List of #FLAGS
Flag smart contracts are simple ERC-20 token contracts without any special functions like mint, pause, upgradeability, etc. For every country there is a unique smart contract. The specific smart contracts are published on the countries specific page.
Tokens are minted corresponding to a country’s population. Roughly half are sold to the public through a fair launch process with up to three phases, the other half is used to form a liquidity pair with the proceeds from the sale.
We are operating on the highly reliable POLYGON Blockchain with its fast growing ecosystem. Its native coin is MATIC. The inital liquidity pair will be [country]FT/WETH. You are highly encouraged to form additional pairs like [country]FT/[country]FT, [country]FT/stables, [country]FT/coin to help grow our ecosystem. Each time traders use your liquidity you get paid a fee.
Work in progress: limited NFT editions related to [country]FanTokens as appreciated collectibles on the market. At one point we might consider putting tokens aside to distribute them to our farmers/ liquidity providers.