State of Palestine

  • Population (as of Tuesday, December 12, 2023): 5,426,723
    • Global rank: 121

Therefore there were 5,426,723 PSFT, Palestine Fan Token minted, distributed by fairlaunch, and used to build the initial liquidity pair PSFT/ETH.

Palestine in its region

UPDATE (30.05.2024): PSFT is now paired with ILFT and ETH, and can be traded on 👉 Quickswap

Show initial ❤️ for PSFT

  • Fair launch 2nd round on DxSale Launchpad
  • Be among the first to show some ❤️
  • Proceeds are used to form a liquidity pair PSFT/WMATIC

Read the DxSale Docs about “how to participate

Phase 2 launch date: February 15 2024

PSFT Contract (verified):
Private Sale on UNCX
Private Sale on DxSale